English 3236 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama and Theatre
Prompt # 43
23 January 2013

Heroic plays and other victims of The Rehearsal

Moving along

What people were to do for today, you'll remember, is "spend a couple of hours" with the play you chose last time, and "Read substantial parts of it (you don't need to read it all; beginnings and endings are good). Read in whatever introductory materials you find with it; if there aren't any, do a quick search for general discussions of it. Write a quick summary of what you learn -- a page or so -- and select two typical passages of it, up to 20 or 30 lines each, to quote (type them out, or scan them), and explain why you chose them. Post your report to the 'Heroic Plays' wiki by 8:00 Wednesday morning and I'll print it and bring it to class." The reports we have so far are on the wiki. I have added, at the bottom of each report, a section for comments and questions. This morning you should add some to each report that's available -- if you'd like to know more about something, or have other suggestions for improvement, add your comments below the author's text. Be helpful. Do this before noon.

For Friday

Respond to the comments by revising your report (don't simply answer the questions in the space below: make your report one which would have rendered the question or comments unnecessary).  Do this by tomorrow night; we'll discuss the whole business in class on Friday.

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