English 3336 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Poetry and Prose
Prompt # 6
25 September 2011

Consolidating our gains

Shaping a further inquiry

As of Sunday night, most people had read and responded to a number of reports, and some had done as many as the assigned nine or ten. Everyone should have found a number of responses to her report, and with luck a lot of them were useful. If you haven't read read in other people's reports, you need to do that. If you do, you can reply with questions or comments, but there's no assurance that the author will read or deal with them.

Today in class, as I said last time, we'll discuss issues raised in the online discussion and practical problems people may have had with responding; I'll respond to questions about the process and the period (insofar as I can). We'll do that with a round and then an open discussion.

Between now and Wednesday, revise your report so that it takes into account as many helpful suggestions and questions as possible. You will probably have to go back to your sources to do this. You shouldn't simply add the questions and responses to the bottom: recast the report so that it would make the questions or comments unnecessary (as I said before, you don't need to respond to all the questions: if you think they're dumb or unanswerable, ignore them).

Post your revised report, as a reply to the original, by tomorrow night, or at the latest first thing Wednesday morning. I'll print them out on Wednesday morning so we can work with them in class.

Learning journals

If you posted a learning journal by Sunday night, there should be a link to yours from the learning journals page. Check the link to make sure it takes the reader to your journal.

If you haven't posted one yet, I'd suggest you do so soon, although I count entries only once a week. Either way, you should read through as many other entries as you can, to get a sense of what people are thinking counts as learning for them. This regular reflection on the experience is an important part of the learning process, and also, of course, the entries will be an important component of the process of writing a general learning reflection.

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