English 3336 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Poetry and Prose
Prompt # 7
28 September 2011

Organizing for new explorations

The revised reports

I've printed out the revised reports as I found them. Not all were posted in the right place (that is, as replies to the original report), but I think I've found them all. Also, not all were revised to fit the format for these -- that is, to have the author's name in the first line, and the citation of the work (or works) reported in the next line. I've reformatted them in the printouts, so that people can work with them efficiently.

Generating some questions

I've set up some groups, and I'll give each group a set of reports to work from.  Here are the groups:

Tom Creagh
Andréa Peters
Kirsten Graham
Georgia Priestley-Brown
Jeremy Fowler
Elora Arsenault
Paige Guptill
Elizabeth Harrison
Kale Robinson
Jenna Hamilton
Maisa Leibovitz
Colin Belyea
Michael Taggart
Chris Daley
Ianic Roy Richard
Sarah Reicker
Amber Carroll
Nicole Demerchant
Matt Pain
Mitchell Walsh

On the basis of a reading of the reports you have (your own will not be among them), here's a task: generate a page of questions. They can be about the eighteenth century, about scholarship and criticism on the eighteenth century, or whatever you see as relevant. The only rule is that they have to be questions to which you don't know the answer, and whose answer might, in some way, advance our understanding of this period and its literature. Most of the questions will arise out of your reading, but they don't all have to.  As an example, looking in reports at random, here are a couple that occur to me:

As a group, you should, in a half hour or so, be able to generate at least 30 questions; 50 would be better. Just generate them;  and keep asking new ones, and writing them down.  At 3:00, I'll put the next prompt up.

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