Session I:
Thursday evening

"Bicultural awareness and writing in the disciplines: ethical implications"
Ann Beer & Jane Ledwell-Brown, McGill University
[edited inksheds on this session]

Session II:
Ethics of Authority and Ownership
Friday morning

"Ethical Issues in Co-Authoring"
Pat Sadowy, Laura Atkinson, Sandy Baardman, Stanley B. Straw, University of Manitoba
[The English Quarterly paper cited in this presentation is here]
[edited inksheds on this session]

Session III:
Short Reports on Research and Projects
Friday afternoon

"Writing to Learn Discipline-Specific Literacies"
Philippa Spoel, Laurentian University

"Who's Shaping Whose Literacies? Ethics in Representation of Teacher Book Club Experiences"
Mary Kooy, OISE, University of Toronto

"Writing our Foremothers"
Lorri Neilsen, Mount Saint Vincent University

Nan Johnson, Ohio State University

[Edited inksheds on these three presentations]

Session IVa:
Ethics in Curriculum and Pedagogy
Friday Late Afternoon

"Picking our Steps: Defining English in an Age of Megacuts"
Margaret Procter, University of Toronto
[edited inksheds on this session]

Session IVb:
Ethics in Curriculum and Pedagogy
Friday Evening

"Exploring Risk as Cultural Practice: Pedagogical Implications of Post-phenomena"
Tony Tremblay, Saint Thomas University

"Chance Operations: following the movement of invention"
M.E. Michelle Forrest, Acadia University

[Edited inksheds on these two presentations]

Session V:
Ethics in Writing Centres:
Multiple Perspectives
Saturday Morning

[Edited inksheds on these three presentations]

Session VI:
Ethics in Teaching and Learning Cultural Differences
Saturday Afternoon

"The L2 Writer and the Liberal Education: the Ethics of Voice in Academic Writing"
Michael Sider & Theresa Hyland, University of Western Ontario

"Motivating ESL students to engage with literature"
Vivian Howard, Dalhousie University

"Who's learning what? teaching and learning cultural differences"
Thom Parkhill & Dorothy Turner, Saint Thomas & Eastern Mediterranean Universities

[Edited inksheds on these three presentations]

Session VII:
CASLL Annual General Meeting, Planning for
Inkshed 16
Sunday Morning

[Minutes and notes]

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