English 1006T
Prompt #18
20 January 2004

Two stories, some facts, some reading

Sharing ideas, discussing some texts

Everyone should have found out something about one or the other of the two stories we agreed to read for today.

The Group of  Seven (as it were) who were working on each of the stories should meet, and read each other's findings (I'll have printed out any that were on the Web site as of 2:20).  Then discuss them with a view to deciding which, if any, of them actually have consequences for the way someone might read, understand, value, or respond to the story, and have someone write down what you think the consequences might be. This will take no more than half an hour. We'll decide which of the stories to discuss first, and I'll invite that group to present whichever facts seem relevant and say why.

What I want to focus on in the discussion is what the story calls on the reader to do, understand, know, or connect at various points in the text.

We'll talk about the second story on Thursday.  Between now and then, go back to your anthology and find and read an hour or two's worth of texts originally published before 1900.  At the bottom of your mytext.htm document, make a line (Insert / Horizontal Line is the best way) and under that list the texts you read (author, title and date), saying why you picked them originally, and recommend one of them for the rest of us to read -- and, as usual, say why as persuasively as you can.

Do this by 1:00 Thursday, so that I can print the texts and assemble them for use in class.

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