English 1006T
Prompt #19
20 January 2004

Two stories, some facts, some more reading

Sharing ideas, discussing some texts

We'll continue the discussion of "The Yellow Wallpaper."  If anyone's written a version of a chunk of it from John's point of view, we'll discuss those, too.

We'll then hear what the group decided from last time were the relevant facts about Eudora Welty and her story, and make some sense of that.

For Tuesday

Attached to this prompt is a printout of all the second runs at an anthology that were on the Web as of 1:00 (reformatted, and with the spell check run on them.  May I suggest that you spell check things before you post them?  The spell checker in Netscape is really slick, and will make your text immensely more acceptable).

Read these.  Read any of the works suggested that you think sound interesting and that you can lay your hands on (or find on the Web: all of these texts are out of copyright and many have been scanned and posted somewhere: you can usually find something by putting "title" and "author" and "text" in Google).  By Friday night, post on the English 1006T forum a reasoned recommendation of one or two texts, remembering that a major purpose here is to give people as wide a range of experience as possible in the time we have.

Ah, you didn't know there was an English 1006T forum?  There is, and it works exactly like the Occasions forum.  It's at this location (URL), and there's a link to it from the main English 1006T page.

talk about the second story on Thursday.  Between now and then, go back to your anthology and find and read an hour or two's worth of texts originally published before 1900.  At the bottom of your mytext.htm document, make a line (Insert / Horizontal Line is the best way) and under that list the texts you read (author, title and date), saying why you picked them originally, and recommend one of them for the rest of us to read -- and, as usual, say why as persuasively as you can.

Do this by 1:00 Thursday, so that I can print the texts and assemble them for use in class.

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