English 3336 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Poetry and Prose
Prompt # 52
22 February 2012

Focusing on further reading

Narrowing the focus

On the basis of only nine emails, I've decided for the next reading it's going to be the Apparition of Mrs. Veal and The Storm. They were the first choices of five and three people respectively and the second or third of a couple of others, and I think it will be useful to spend some time looking at them together. Had there been more responses it might have been different, I suppose, but let's go with that. Between now and Monday, then, if you haven't read the Apparition, do so (it's pretty short), and begin working on The Storm. If you've read some of The Storm, we'll be looking at the Preface, the first three chapters, and the conclusion. Everyone should have read all of that for next Wednesday.

For class time Monday, propose, and post on the Apparition section of the further reading in Defoe forum, two or three questions, issues, problems or reflections that you think we might profitably spend some time discussing in class. On Wednesday we'll be doing the same thing with the sections of The Storm.

After that, we'll have a look at some sections of the Review as a way of wrapping up our work with Defoe; I'll accept suggestions for specific parts or issues that we might look at.

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